Behavior Questions¶
Rule of thumb¶
- Don't confront your interviewers
- How to talk
- when you have nothing to say, say nothing
- never criticize your previous employers
- calm and reasonable
- Say something for a reason
- Praise someone
- Criticie someone (how?)
- CART: clarify, assumption, result, test cases
Q1: tell me about yourself¶
Don't just say yourself
- Name, edu
- Skills: primary programming language, projects, experiences, past internship.
- Thank you
Other variants: - tell me your weakness (e.g. weakness: cannot do multiple things at the same time. in the future, learn how to prioritize and analyze dependencies.) - 2nd chance problems - Retrospection - E.g. Biggest failure during your college/work - Key points: how to avoid/address the same problems in the future.
Q2: when you have different opinions from your colleagues¶
- Scenarios
- Communication
- how
- when
- where
- keep in mind: say something for a reason, praise and criticize someone
- what if?
- backup solutions
- how to express yourself? (e.g. how to do prep for meetings, 1 on 1?) e.g. we might have difference knowledge base, so I will try to share our knowledge together. focus on things but not on people
Q3: When you have limited time avaliable to finish your project. Quality vs. Speed¶
consider tradeoffs for different tasks, use a quantative way to analyze the data
- variant 1: provide an e.g. scenario in which you made a quick decision under pressure
- variant 2: write an email to your manager on how to explain why you missed the deadline
Q4: what is your career plan for the next 5 years¶
show self-motivation, start from small/short term goal to big/long term goal.
Q5: please tell me one of the most challenging projects you have accomplished¶
technical challenge + human resource (team work, work with mentor, verify tasks, etc.)
- variant: mistake you have done
- first tell what you have done wrong
Q6: do you have any questions for me¶
- tech stack, I may have some similar skills
- what's your most challenge project
1, 开会之前,一定准备好 2,一定要系统性的思考,construction way thinking 3,把做事像编程一样规划 4,千万不要和面试官怼,有可能是压力测试!! 5,*** 当没有任何nice的话去说的时候,选择不要说 6,介绍自己的时候,不要只说自己,有不少坑!!(1)名字,和教育背景 2)介绍主要的技能背景 3)Thank you) 7,介绍弱点? 8, 观点不同?先听,为什么不同,然后对比不同,然后再分析自己的观点,一定不能一开始就给出自己的观点,这样太对立了!! 9,批评一件事的时候,一定批评这件事,表扬人的时候,一定要表扬这个人(批评人的时候,一定给人留面子!)10,任何事情都有trade off,要量化分析 11,接下来5年的工作计划?一定要体现出self motivated 12,most challenging ? 13,当发现错误的时候,诚恳的告诉面试官,哪里错,哪里对!! 14,manager升什么样的人?把最重要的工作给谁,谁就会升职 15,好的reputation是一次次成功积累起来的!! 16,当在stressful situation的时候,一定要向着自己价值观的方向 17,高尔夫球问题?C:在哪儿,尺寸 A:精度要求 R:如何解决 T:怎么去验证 18,用力,用脑,用心 19, work with smart people,harderrrrrr(机会不能控制,但是努力可以!)20,一定要对得起别人的信任 ***** 21,《恒心》22,困难的时候有多人愿意帮助你,做事的时候,有多少人追随你 23,leadership的分量很重,用reputation去建立*** 24,抢着买单,也挺好的25,千万不要损坏别人的核心利益!26,一定要提供建设性意见,这样能帮别人变得更好 27,1day:感谢信 1week:越一个会,讨论一下自己的部分 1month:尽量报喜,说自己的成绩,目标 1year:买一个精美的thanks card,提出升职的诉求 28,什么问题是好问题?29,***一定要找的mentor(给自己建设性意见的人)30,反思,计划,行动 31,Better Person