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  • Collision: when two keys' hash values are the same, they are going to map to the two same location in the array.
  • Load Factor: assume your hash table has size m, which means that there is room for up to m items in it. But we also care about how many elements we are actually storing in the array right now — we denote this number by s. The ratio alpha = \frac{s}{m} is called the load factor of the hash table. When it is small, there is a lot of room in the table. If it ever exceeds 1, we are guaranteed that a collision must have occurre.

Typically, load factor maintains the ratio of number of <key, value> pairs / number of buckets. Usually it's under ½.

Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11.21.20 AM.png

This array has a loading factor of 7/13.

  • Hashing Function: So how many random keys do we need to draw until we expect to see our first collision? There are m possible indices of h(k) we can draw, and if any two draws have the same index, then we have a collision. This is exactly an instance of the Birthday Paradox, so we would expect our first collision to occur around key number \theta(\sqrt{m}). In other words, even if we think that the keys are drawn randomly (which should be pretty friendly to the hash table), the first collisions should occur around load factor \alpha = \theta(\sqrt{m}). This is all the more reason why we will need to deal with collisions below.

  • Modulo Arithmetic: h(k) = k mod m the problem is that it might get very clustered key items in particular digits (e.g. m = 10 then all the if all numbers has the same last two digits will fall into the same key). Solution: choose a large prime number.

  • Chaining: using a linkedlist to store all the collide values, do a linear scan to check if exist in the linkedlist.

Time Complexity: assume the size of each linkedlist is l_i, and we have s elements in total, then the possibability for a given element to fall on l_i is l_i / s, it will take \theta(l_i) to find in the linkedlist. Thus the total time complexity is \theta (\frac{1}{s} \times \sum_i l_i^{2})

  • Probing or Open Addressing: use only one list to store all the values, and find the next avaliable location for inserting if there is a collision.

  • Linear Probing: if position i is occupied, then try i + 1, i + 2... until find the first free place. In practice it's a bad idea: assume you have filled 0, ..., m / 2 positions in the list. The possibability of filling next element that will fall in 0, ..., m / 2 is ½, which will take m/2 + 1 operations to find the next avaliable place.

TODO: add open addressing

Designing Thread Safe Lookup table (hashmap or std::map<T,T>)

  • One solution to prevent data racing is by adding mutex lock everytime we want to do any operation. Can we do better?
  • There are three common ways of implementing an associateive container like lookup table:
  • A balanced binary tree, such as red-black tree (have to lock the root, which has no difference than locking the entire tree)
  • A sorted array (still have to lock the entire array)
  • A hash table (we can just lock the bucket we are accessing!)

Example implementation

template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash = std::hash<Key>>
class threadsafe_lookup_table {
  class bucket_type {
    Value value_for(Key const &key, Value const &default_value) const {
      std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mutex);
      bucket_iterator const found_entry = find_entry_for(key);
      return (found_entry == data.end()) ? default_value : found_entry->second;

    void add_or_update_mapping(Key const &key, Value const &value) {
      std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mutex);
      bucket_iterator const found_entry = find_entry_for(key);
      return (found_entry == data.end()) ? default_value : found_entry->second;

    void remove_mapping(Key const &key) {
      std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mutex);
      bucket_iterator const found_entry = find_entry_for(key);
      if (found_entry != data.end())

    typedef std::pair<Key, Value> bucket_value;
    typedef std::list<bucket_value> bucket_data;
    typedef typename bucket_data::iterator bucket_iterator;
    bucket_data data;
    mutable std::shared_mutex mutex;

    bucket_iterator find_entry_for(Key const &key) const {
      return std::find_if(
          data.begin(), data.end(),
          [&](bucket_value const &item) { return item.first == key; });
  std::vector<std::unique_lock<bucket_type>> buckets;
  Hash hasher;
  bucket_type &get_bucket(Key const &key) const {
    std::size_t const bucket_index = hasher(key) % buckets.size();
    return *buckets[bucket_index];

  typedef Key key_type;
  typedef Value mapped_type;
  typedef Hash hash_type;
  threadsafe_lookup_table(unsigned num_buckets = 19, // arbitary prime number
                          Hash const &hasher_ = Hash())
      : buckets(num_buckets), hasher(hasher_) {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_buckets; ++i) {
      buckets[i].reset(new bucket_type);
  threadsafe_lookup_table(threadsafe_lookup_table const &other) = delete;
  threadsafe_lookup_table & operator=(threadsafe_lookup_table const &other) = delete;
  Value value_for(Key const &key, Value const &default_value = Value()) const {
    return get_bucket(key).value_for(key, default_value);
  void add_or_update_mapping(Key const &key, Value const &value) {
    get_bucket(key).add_or_update_mapping(key, value);
  void remove_mapping(Key const &key) { get_bucket(key).remove_mapping(key); }

Last update: January 9, 2021