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Keep distance for identical elements

Given an integer k, arrange the sequence of integers [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, ...., k - 1, k - 1, k, k], such that the output integer array satisfy this condition:

Between each two i's, they are exactly i integers (for example: between the two 1s, there is one number, between the two 2's there are two numbers).

If there does not exist such sequence, return null.


k is guaranteed to be > 0 Examples:

k = 3, The output = { 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3 }.


The problem can reduce to how to place each element from [1 to k], among all the permutation, find the correct one(s).

  • res: resulting array, since each element can only appear twice, the size is 2 * k
  • used: array to keep track of how many times the element is used (0: haven't used, 1: used once, 2: used twice)
  • base case: if the pointer has reach the end of the res array, then our res array is all filled -> return true;
  • recursive function: try all the number in the used array (not 2), place first element if not yet placed OR place the second element with the distance i in front of the current idx.

Time Complexity: O(n!) Space Complexity: O(n)


public static class Solution {
        public int[] keepDistance(int k) {
            int[] res = new int[2 * k];
            int[] used = new int[k + 1];
            return helper(res, 0, used) ? res : null;

        private boolean helper(int[] res, int idx, int[] used) {
            if (idx == res.length) return true;
            for (int i = 1; i < used.length; ++i) {
                // case 1: unused -> just place it
                // case 2: used once, find if current idx can be placed (check if has a distance equal to the i)
                if (used[i] == 0 || (used[i] == 1 && idx > i && res[idx - i - 1] == i)) {
                    res[idx] = i;
                    if (helper(res, idx + 1, used)) return true;
            return false;


Last update: January 9, 2021