Minimal Spanning Tree¶
Growing MST¶
Grows one edge a time. The generic method manages a set of edges A, maintaining the following loop invariant:
Prior to each iteration, A is a subset of some MST
At each step, we determine an edge (u, v) thatcan add to A without violating this invariant.
Kruskal's Algorithm¶
Kruskal’s algorithm builds a minimum spanning tree by greedily adding edges to a graph that initially only contains the nodes of the original graph and no edges. The algorithm goes through the edges of the original graph ordered by their weights and always adds an edge to the new graph if the edge does not create a cycle. The algorithm maintains the components of the new graph. Initially, each node of the graph belongs to a separate component. Always when an edge is added to the graph, two components are joined. Finally, all nodes belong to the same component, and a minimum spanning tree has been found.