Data structure
Data structure and algorithm using golang¶
Most questions are from Leetcode.
Declare a map using m := make(map[int]int)
Check if exist¶
func twoSum(nums []int, target int) []int {
m := make(map[int]int) // map[key]value
for k, v := range nums { // k: idx, v: value
// check if targe - v is in the map
if idx, ok := m[target-v]; ok {
return []int{idx, k}
m[v] = k
return nil
Initialize a new struct object (a ListNode
) using head := &ListNode{Val: 0}
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
* Val int
* Next *ListNode
* }
func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
head := &ListNode{Val: 0}
n1, n2, carry, current := 0, 0, 0, head
// no while loop in Go
for l1 != nil || l2 != nil || carry != 0 {
if l1 == nil {
n1 = 0
} else {
n1 = l1.Val
l1 = l1.Next
if l2 == nil {
n2 = 0
} else {
n2 = l2.Val
l2 = l2.Next
current.Next = &ListNode{Val: (n1 + n2 + carry) % 10}
current = current.Next
carry = (n1 + n2 + carry) / 10
return head.Next
Down/Up casting:
a, b = 0, 0
float64(a + b) / 2 // this will convert interger to float64
Slice and Array¶
Declaration of slice¶
Using arr := make([]rune, 0)
to declare an array with rune
(alias to int32
) and with the size of0
Declaration of array¶
Declare an 2d array with length:
the difference between slice and array is array need to provide a constant size
c := [5][5]uint8{}
[[0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0]]
Create 2d slice:¶
a := make([][]uint8, dy) // dy is the number of rows
for i := range a { // have to write a loop to initialize the columns
a[i] = make([]uint8, dx)
Initialize slice with default values¶
if you have default values (composite literal):
a := [][]uint8{
{0, 1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6, 7},
fmt.Println(a) // Output is [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 7]]
b := []uint{10: 1, 2} // first 10 values are 1s
fmt.Println(b) // Prints [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2]
newS := make([]rune, 0) // create an array
newS = append(newS, '#') // append to the end
for _, c := range s {
newS = append(newS, c)
newS = append(newS, '#') // add a # for each character
primes := [6]int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
var s []int = primes[1:4] // selected [3 5 7]
s := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
// Slice the slice to give it zero length.
s = s[:0]
// Extend its length.
s = s[:4]
// Drop its first two values.
s = s[2:]
Length and capacity of a slice¶
s := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
fmt.Printf("len=%d cap=%d %v\n", len(s), cap(s), s)
Last update:
June 9, 2021