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Cs231n lecture 3 loss function

Loss Function

Multiclass SVM Loss: hinge loss

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S_{y_j} is the predict right score (target score) S_j is the predict wrong score (all the other) Total Loss is:

To calculate the loss for predicting car: max(0, cat score - car score + 1) + max(0, frog score - car score + 1) = max(0, -2.6) + max(0, -1.9) = 0

after using the same method to calculate each of the classes, the averge is the result: (2.9 -> for cat + 0 -> for car + 12.9 -> for frog) / 3 = 5.27


\lambda R(W)

This term makes sure to choose "simpler" W instead of complicated ones that only fit training data, so that the power is lower for each term (high penalty for using high power poly).

Softmax Classifier (Multinomial Logistic Regression): cross-entropy loss

score is the probabilities for each class, and the sum of all classes equals to one (100%).

Loss for each category:

L_i = -\log P(Y = y_i | X = x_i)
P(Y = y_i | X = x_i) = \frac{e^sk}{\sum_{j} e^s j}

where s is our model:

s = f(x_i;W)

plug in to the first equation:

L_i = -\log (\frac{e^sk}{\sum_{j} e^s j})

The min loss is 0 and max loss is +inf

Finding the lowest score (with respect to W) -- Optimization

  1. random (never use)
  2. find the slope (using gradient: numeric for debugging and analytic for calculating)

Gradient Descent

while True:
    weights_grad = evaluate_gradient(loss_fun, data, weights)
    weights += - step_size * weights_grad # perform parameter update

step_size is also the learning rate, it's the first thing to set

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

Use when there are a lot of training set, in each iteraion, take a samples data from the training set (typically 32/64/128/256) called minibatch

while True:
    data_batch = sample_training_data(data, 256)
    weights_grad = evaluate_gradient(loss_fun, data_batch, weights)
    weights += - step_size * weights_grad # perform parameter update

Last update: February 19, 2022