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Cs231n lecture 5 convolutional neural networks

CNN is good for spacial structure

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  1. stride (3 in this case): number of steps to move for each progress
  2. dimentino size: n * n
  3. filter size: F

Output size = (N - F)/stride+1 => e.g. stride size = 3 won't work 1. To make this case working, adding a border surrounded (padding) will make N divisable (now N is 9 instead of 7) 2. To make the size remain the same dimentionally, we also use padding.

Conv Layer

  • Accpets a volume of size W_1\times H_1 \times D_1
  • Requires four hyperparameters:
  • Number of filters K,
  • their spatial extent F (or filter dimension),
  • the stride S,
  • the amount of zero padding P.
  • Produces a volume of size W_2 \times H_2 \times D_2
  • W_2 = (W_1 - F + 2P)/S + 1
  • H_2 = (H_1 - F + 2P)/s + 1 (width and height are the same size)
  • D_2 = K
  • With parameter sharing, it produces F \times F \times D_1 weights per filter, for a total of (F \cdot F \cdot D_1) * K weights
  • In the output volume, the d-th depth slice (of size W_2 \times H_2) is the result of performing a valid convolution of the d-th filter over the input volume with a stride of S, and then offset by d-th bias

Pooling Layer

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input depth would be the same, and width and height would be shrink down by a factor

Max-Pooling Layer

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Choosing the maximum within each filter. Find the region that has fired with higher value from the other region.


  • Accepts a volume of size W1×H1×D1
  • Requires two hyperparameters:
  • their spatial extent F,
  • the stride S,
  • Produces a volume of size W2×H2×D2 where:
  • W_2=(W_1−F)/S+1
  • H_2=(H_1−F)/S+1
  • D_2=D_1
  • Introduces zero parameters since it computes a fixed function of the input
  • For Pooling layers, it is not common to pad the input using zero-padding.

It is worth noting that there are only two commonly seen variations of the max pooling layer found in practice: A pooling layer with F=3,S=2 (also called overlapping pooling), and more commonly F=2,S=2. Pooling sizes with larger receptive fields are too destructive.

Fully Connected Layer (FC)

Stretch out to 1-d array, usually on the last layer.

Last update: February 19, 2022