Cs231n lecture 6 training neural networks i
- One-time setup: activation functions, preprocessing, weight initialization, regularization, gradient checking
- Training dynamics: babysitting the learning process, parameter updates, hyperparameter optimization
- Evaluation: model ensembles
Part 1¶
- Activation functions
- Data preprocessing
- Weight initialization,
- Batch Normalization
- Babysitting the learning process
- Hyperparameter Optimization
Activation Function¶
- if get high value -> approach to 1, low -> 0
- problem 1: if too large, then the value is 1, or too small, then the value is 0 (killed gradient when saturated)
- problem 2: not zero-centered (gradient on w is always all positive or negative) which makes the parameter update inefficient
- problem 3: e^{-x} is computation expensive
- in a range of [-1, 1]
- it's now zero centered (flip between - and + for same weight)
- problem 1: still kill gradient when saturated
- doesn't saturated in positive region
- computation efficient
- converge faster than sigmoid and tanh
- biologically plausible than sigmoid
- problem 1: not zero-centered
- problem 2: negative still saturated (annoyance, dead relu region)
Leaky ReLU and Parametric Rectifier¶
- Does not saturate
- Computationally efficient
- Converge much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice
- will not "die" (no plateau)
Exponential Linear Unit (ELU)¶
f(x)=x if x > 0 f(x)= alpha (exp(x)-1) if x <= 0
- all benefits of ReLU
- closer to zero mean outputs
- negative saturation regime compared with Leaky ReLU adds some robustness to noise
- problem 1: computation requires exp()
- Use ReLU
- Try out Leaky ReLU/Maxout/ELU
- Try tanh but don't expect too much
- Don't use sigmoid
Data Preprocessing¶
for image, stick with zero-mean
Last update:
February 19, 2022